Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Portezuelo

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Portezuelo.

Latitude and Longitude of Portezuelo

Latitude of Portezuelo -36.5332999
Longitude of Portezuelo -72.4096749
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GPS-coordinates of Portezuelo

GPS-coordinates of Portezuelo 36° 31' 59.88" S 72° 24' 34.83" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Portezuelo

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Portezuelo Zone 18H E: 731901.09 N: 5953776.36

Locations near Portezuelo

Lazareto (27.29 km)Conaiyiri (28.01 km)Chillán (28.63 km)San Carlos (41.02 km)Guaico Village (48.9 km)Tome (49.86 km)Biobío (49.93 km)Manzano (El) (55.23 km)Cabrero (55.62 km)Ñuble (61.51 km)Huayun (64.89 km)Concepcion (64.99 km)Talcahuano (66.63 km)Arenal (El) (66.64 km)El Arenal (66.64 km)Altos (Los) (71.36 km)Chiguallante (71.52 km)Yungaisi (74.39 km)Coronel (85.68 km)Laja (86.6 km)