Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Citepok

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Citepok.

Latitude and Longitude of Citepok

Latitude of Citepok -6.815594
Longitude of Citepok 108.000922
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GPS-coordinates of Citepok

GPS-coordinates of Citepok 6° 48' 56.138" S 108° 0' 3.319" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Citepok

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Citepok Zone 49M E: 168472.27 N: 9245606.09

Locations near Citepok

Haurkuning (0.24 km)Cipandanwangi (1.36 km)Legok Kaler (1.54 km)Legok Satu (1.87 km)Paseh Kidul (2.04 km)Sukatali (2.05 km)Cileuksa (2.46 km)Cibeureum Satu (3.19 km)Paseh Kaler (3.5 km)Ciwaru (3.51 km)Cibeureum Wetan (3.52 km)Sindangjati (3.53 km)Pasireungit (3.89 km)Cimarga (3.91 km)Gemuruh (4.02 km)Situraja Utara (4.02 km)Bunut (4.15 km)Padanaan (4.18 km)Bantarmara (4.24 km)Cihanyir (4.33 km)Cilimus Kulon (4.33 km)Mandalaherang (4.47 km)Cijeler (4.85 km)Cibogo Dua (4.89 km)Ciburial (5.15 km)Kebonkalapa (5.41 km)Cipeles (5.64 km)Malangbong (5.65 km)Cikaramas (5.72 km)