Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Alteglofsheim

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Alteglofsheim.

Latitude and Longitude of Alteglofsheim

Latitude of Alteglofsheim 48.920878
Longitude of Alteglofsheim 12.2044406
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GPS-coordinates of Alteglofsheim

GPS-coordinates of Alteglofsheim 48° 55' 15.161" N 12° 12' 15.986" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Alteglofsheim

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Alteglofsheim Zone 33U E: 295213.05 N: 5422427.59

Locations near Alteglofsheim

Köfering (1.82 km)Köfering (1.82 km)Hagelstadt (3.04 km)93107 (3.55 km) Hageelstadt (3.59 km)Mintraching (4.55 km)Karlstr 39 93098 (5.25 km)pfakofen 210/3 (5.6 km)Triftlfing (5.77 km)Obertraubling (6.12 km)Obertaubling (6.12 km)gemarkung sengkofen flur nr. 207 (6.14 km)Pfakofen (7.16 km)Neutraubling (7.21 km)Regensburg Rothmahlweg 2 (7.55 km)Rogging hauptstraße 12 (7.82 km)Aufhausen (7.84 km)Heinz-Conrad-Str. 76 Regensburg (8.45 km)Regensburg Frauenhoferstraße 1+3 93092 Barbing (8.59 km)Leiterkofen 6a,93102 pfatter (8.67 km)93104 Riekofen (8.75 km)Gerstenweg 2, 93092 Barbing (9.15 km)Barbing (9.16 km)Oberehring 21 93104 Riekofen (9.22 km)eggmühl (9.66 km)93077 johann-kugler-straße 2 (10.1 km)93077 peising johann-kugler-straße 2 (10.1 km)peising (10.2 km)Riekofen (10.67 km)Sarching (10.69 km)