Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Tasmania wilderness

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Tasmania wilderness.

Latitude and Longitude of Tasmania wilderness

Latitude of Tasmania wilderness -42.040906
Longitude of Tasmania wilderness 146.808732
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GPS-coordinates of Tasmania wilderness

GPS-coordinates of Tasmania wilderness 42° 2' 27.262" S 146° 48' 31.435" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Tasmania wilderness

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Tasmania wilderness Zone 55G E: 484169.79 N: 5345664.32

Locations near Tasmania wilderness

Osterly (34.4 km)higgs track tasmania (50.22 km)Pegema (70.75 km)Mangalo Hall (72.33 km)Launceston (72.88 km)Launcestown (72.88 km)Mowbray (75.97 km)Tasmania (76.65 km)port huon tasmania (76.65 km)Dove Lake (81.98 km)Patersonia (88.77 km)Blessington Upper (89.52 km)Westey Vale (99.05 km)loongana (99.2 km)Nayuga (99.71 km)