Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Solok

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Solok.

Latitude and Longitude of Solok

Latitude of Solok -0.964384
Longitude of Solok 100.890310
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GPS-coordinates of Solok

GPS-coordinates of Solok 0° 57' 51.782" S 100° 53' 25.116" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Solok

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Solok Zone 47M E: 710352.98 N: 9893348.07

Locations near Solok

Sirukam (11.71 km)Alahanpanjang (16.96 km)Lembangjaya (18.86 km)Lembang Jaya (18.86 km)Bukitsundi (21.01 km)Gunung Talang (22.99 km)Talango (22.99 km)Latang (24.25 km)Sumatera Barat (26.91 km)Sawahlunto Sijunjung (32.96 km)Sijunjung (32.96 km)Jalan Rimbo Barantai Tanah Garam Solok (38.37 km)Tanjungampalu (38.98 km)Kototujuh (40.7 km)Sulitair (40.85 km)Talawi (41.42 km)IV Jurai (41.91 km)Sawahlunto (44.37 km)Guguk (44.47 km)Kotosingkarak (45.09 km)Jambak (45.74 km)Koto XI Tarusan (49.81 km)Kaceng (50.39 km)kota padang (52.65 km)Wahana harapan bangsa (53.67 km)Lintaubuo (54.11 km)Lubuk Begalung (54.15 km)Kuranji (54.34 km)Singkarak (54.63 km)Painan (55.31 km)