Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Puerto del rosario

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Puerto del rosario .

Latitude and Longitude of Puerto del rosario

Latitude of Puerto del rosario 28.157979
Longitude of Puerto del rosario -14.221802
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GPS-coordinates of Puerto del rosario

GPS-coordinates of Puerto del rosario 28° 9' 28.724" N 14° 13' 18.487" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Puerto del rosario

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Puerto del rosario Zone 28R E: 576403.82 N: 3114947.58

Locations near Puerto del rosario

Costa Calma Palace (0.63 km)Costa Calma (0.75 km)fuerteventura costa calm (0.75 km)Calle Puerto de la Cebada, Costa Calma, Kanarische Inseln 35627, Spanien (0.96 km)La pared (6.72 km)Fuerte Ventura park (7.14 km)Jandia (8.34 km)Esquinzo (11.17 km)fuerteventura esquinzo (12.53 km)Esquinzo fuerteventura (12.72 km)jandia beach fuerteventura (15.3 km)fuerteventura (15.33 km)Jandia Playa (17.13 km)Morro jable (17.42 km)Puerto de Morro Jable (18.29 km)Gran Tarajal (20.74 km)Fuerteventura jandia (23.22 km)las playitas (24.11 km)Pájara (24.18 km)Tuineje (25.33 km)Fuerteventura (27.75 km)Fuerteventura (27.75 km)Kanaren-Furteventura (27.75 km)fuertaventura (27.75 km)Betancuria (33.78 km)Torre (La) (37.6 km)Caleta (43.99 km)Caleta de Fuste (43.99 km)Caleta del fuste (44 km)