Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Ostren

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Ostren.

Latitude and Longitude of Ostren

Latitude of Ostren 41.4260949
Longitude of Ostren 20.448547
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GPS-coordinates of Ostren

GPS-coordinates of Ostren 41° 25' 33.942" N 20° 26' 54.769" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Ostren

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Ostren Zone 34T E: 453921.83 N: 4586206.11

Locations near Ostren

Trebisht (8.03 km)Steblevë (10.05 km)Zerqan (11.52 km)Shupenzë (12.05 km)Dibër (12.38 km)Fushë Bulqizë (17.56 km)Maqellarë (18.32 km)Lunik (18.74 km)Bulqizë (20.91 km)Funar (22.24 km)Melan (25.37 km)Selishtë (26.5 km)Orenjë (26.56 km)Peshkopi (28.63 km)Qendër Librazhd (28.82 km)Librazhd (29.16 km)Gjoricë (29.71 km)Hotolisht (30.55 km)Shëngjergj (31.01 km)Klos (31.51 km)Kastriot (34.27 km)Fushë-Çidhën (37.28 km)Rrasë (37.83 km)Albanien (38.33 km)Albania (38.33 km)Qukës (38.5 km)Labinot Fushë (39.85 km)Prrenjas (40.32 km)Zajas (40.91 km)Burrel (42.08 km)