Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Oseja

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Oseja.

Latitude and Longitude of Oseja

Latitude of Oseja 41.5964543
Longitude of Oseja -1.7000667
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GPS-coordinates of Oseja

GPS-coordinates of Oseja 41° 35' 47.235" N 1° 42' 0.24" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Oseja

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Oseja Zone 30T E: 608336.02 N: 4605788.55

Locations near Oseja

Jarque (4.99 km)Calcena (6.83 km)Gotor (7.02 km)Trasobares (7.17 km)Aranda de Moncayo (7.94 km)Tierga (8.01 km)Illueca (8.9 km)Purujosa (11.01 km)Brea de Aragón (11.62 km)Clarés de Ribota (13.71 km)Mesones de Isuela (14.11 km)Malanquilla (14.88 km)Talamantes (15.04 km)Sestrica (15.07 km)Nigüella (16.09 km)Villarroya de la Sierra (16.26 km)Beratón (16.32 km)Aniñón (16.87 km)Purroy De La Solana (17.01 km)Tabuenca (17.03 km)Borobia (18.02 km)Cervera de la Cañada (18.53 km)Arándiga (19.27 km)Bijuesca (19.33 km)Torralba de Ribota (20 km)Torrijo de la Cañada (20.04 km)Sabiñán (20.28 km)Añón de Moncayo (20.33 km)Berdejo (20.7 km)Torrelapaja (20.9 km)