Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of North Star

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of North Star.

Latitude and Longitude of North Star

Latitude of North Star 32.1835199
Longitude of North Star -110.8039925
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GPS-coordinates of North Star

GPS-coordinates of North Star 32° 11' 0.672" N 110° 48' 14.373" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of North Star

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of North Star Zone 12S E: 518477 N: 3560794.62

Locations near North Star

9860 E Golden Currant Drive Tucson AZ (3.39 km)base aerea davis monthan (4.72 km)civano arizona (5.43 km)DM AFB (6.19 km)San Carlos Estate (11.42 km)Rockcliff (11.85 km)Tucson (12.29 km)Tucson (AZ) (12.29 km)32.300513 -110.820768 (13.08 km)Rillito (13.54 km)5190 Grey Mountain Trail, Tucson, AZ 85750 (14.05 km)85750 (14.05 km)sabino canyon (14.14 km)3601 south 6th avenue, tucson (15.24 km)tanque verde falls (16.09 km)51,62840° N, 7,85701° O (16.15 km)1946 E Prince Road, Tucson AZ 85719 (16.34 km)1763 E Prince Road, Tucson, AZ 85719 (16.6 km)tucson arizona (16.65 km)tuscon (16.65 km)1414 E DUKE (17.4 km)Aguirre (17.89 km)Holiday Plaza (17.95 km)14715 E Crysmon Ln Vail, AZ85641 (18.19 km)Kelso Vista Apartments (18.41 km)6837 w leeward cove way (18.81 km)Vail, Arizona (22.55 km)3435 w calle da la bajada (23.33 km)Sebba (26.05 km)