Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Levesville

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Levesville.

Latitude and Longitude of Levesville

Latitude of Levesville 48.300931
Longitude of Levesville 1.831000
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GPS-coordinates of Levesville

GPS-coordinates of Levesville 48° 18' 3.352" N 1° 49' 51.6" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Levesville

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Levesville Zone 31U E: 413306.89 N: 5350408.71

Locations near Levesville

Louville (4.36 km)Morainville (8.75 km)Lesime (9.39 km)Boisville (10.55 km)Janville (11.48 km)Angerville (12.43 km)Moinville (13.08 km)Toury (13.39 km)Voves (15.41 km)Béville (17.36 km)Guillerval (17.9 km)Allainville (18.02 km)AUNEAU (19.04 km)Autruy (19.77 km)Houville (21.18 km)Loigny (21.19 km)Soûr (21.22 km)Boinville (21.4 km)arthenay (24.63 km)Greneville (24.66 km)Aschères (25.15 km)bleury (25.17 km)prunay en yvelines france (25.51 km)les granges le roi, 3rue des poètes (25.9 km)Crottes (26.25 km)eglise st martin d'etampes (27.28 km)intermarche 28630 morancez (27.67 km)Sougy (27.67 km)Le Coudray (27.9 km)Étampes (28.58 km)