Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Lago Agrio

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Lago Agrio.

Latitude and Longitude of Lago Agrio

Latitude of Lago Agrio -38.927721
Longitude of Lago Agrio -69.228165
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GPS-coordinates of Lago Agrio

GPS-coordinates of Lago Agrio 38° 55' 39.796" S 69° 13' 41.394" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Lago Agrio

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Lago Agrio Zone 19H E: 480222.7 N: 5691219.5

Locations near Lago Agrio

Confluencia (46.4 km)Picún Leufú (65.89 km)Zapala (72.47 km)Añelo (74.38 km)Neuquén-Plottier (86.49 km)Mellado (86.59 km)Goyo Martínez (99.12 km)Río Senguerr (99.57 km)