Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Keduyung

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Keduyung.

Latitude and Longitude of Keduyung

Latitude of Keduyung -7.009173
Longitude of Keduyung 112.223499
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GPS-coordinates of Keduyung

GPS-coordinates of Keduyung 7° 0' 33.023" S 112° 13' 24.596" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Keduyung

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Keduyung Zone 49M E: 635144.11 N: 9225060.99

Locations near Keduyung

Centini (1.33 km)Brumbun (1.37 km)Duri Kulon (2.65 km)Mlangi (2.96 km)Duri Wetan (3.03 km)Keting (3.51 km)Kujung (3.79 km)Klagensrampat (4.05 km)Bulutigo (4.67 km)Dateng (4.75 km)Gelap (5.38 km)Pelangwot (6.09 km)Jangkungkusumo (6.55 km)Mrutuk (6.74 km)Kudikan (6.9 km)Maduran (7.6 km)Tlogoretno (7.87 km)Kebalan Kulon (7.88 km)Gumantuk (7.9 km)Porodeso (7.98 km)Kanugrahan (8.04 km)Trosono (8.16 km)Lembor (8.21 km)Kebalanpelang (8.56 km)Cepokorejo (8.89 km)Pringgoboyo (8.94 km)Bulutengger (9.17 km)Ngayung (9.29 km)Kebalandono (9.54 km)Ketambul (9.55 km)