Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Kasama

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Kasama.

Latitude and Longitude of Kasama

Latitude of Kasama -10.229055
Longitude of Kasama 31.193945
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GPS-coordinates of Kasama

GPS-coordinates of Kasama 10° 13' 44.598" S 31° 11' 38.202" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Kasama

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Kasama Zone 36L E: 302173.77 N: 8868708.38

Locations near Kasama

Käsämä (0 km)Kaa (6.78 km)Cipande (17.91 km)Cimfwembe (35.95 km)Chilumbe-Kotuli (47.15 km)Utara (60.89 km)Chamdamkulu (67.46 km)Kaseshya (80.68 km)Chansamba (86.39 km)Kasonde Cishisa (99.85 km)