Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Itapagé

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Itapagé.

Latitude and Longitude of Itapagé

Latitude of Itapagé -3.684826
Longitude of Itapagé -39.587269
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GPS-coordinates of Itapagé

GPS-coordinates of Itapagé 3° 41' 5.374" S 39° 35' 14.168" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Itapagé

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Itapagé Zone 24M E: 434784.72 N: 9592688.9

Locations near Itapagé

prefeitura de itapaje (0.11 km)Pentecoste (37.21 km)Complexo Eólico de Icaraí I e II (65.56 km)Taiba (79.46 km)Canindé (80.8 km)CE-422, 631-941 - Catuana, Caucaia - CE (81.06 km) -4.37188 -39.30746 (82.48 km)Sobral (84.51 km)Massapé (85.74 km)Pecem (87.49 km)HOTEL VILA GALÉ CUMBUCO (91.86 km)Itatira (93.69 km)Tangratte (93.69 km)Santa Quitéria (94.93 km)Mulung (95.1 km)Pacoti (95.17 km)Meruoca (97.49 km)