Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of ijemo, abeokuta

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of ijemo, abeokuta.

Latitude and Longitude of ijemo, abeokuta

Latitude of ijemo, abeokuta 7.161441
Longitude of ijemo, abeokuta 3.348845
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GPS-coordinates of ijemo, abeokuta

GPS-coordinates of ijemo, abeokuta 7° 9' 41.188" N 3° 20' 55.842" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of ijemo, abeokuta

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of ijemo, abeokuta Zone 31N E: 538517.13 N: 791610.29

Locations near ijemo, abeokuta

Agbadu (0.52 km)Ibara-Oko (0.62 km)Igbein (1.29 km)Igbore (1.73 km)Abeokuta (2.12 km)Abeokuta-North (2.12 km)Abule Apena (3.27 km)Isokan (6.78 km)Ilewo (12.5 km)Awdeda (21.04 km)Olorunda (22.79 km)Wasimi (22.93 km)Oke Odo (28.66 km)Ewekoro (28.72 km)OPP BUKKY HOUSE, Owode (29.51 km)Ogun (29.72 km)Igbo-Awra (31.34 km)Adigun (33.07 km)Aiyetoro (35.95 km)Balogun (37.98 km)Ajegunle (39.48 km)Ishara (41.13 km)Akigbogun (41.69 km)Ibese (42.05 km)Kajawla (42.32 km)Ijana (44.75 km)Elleyelle (45.71 km)Simawa (46.21 km)Igbogun-Sowunmi (47.12 km)