Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Guanare

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Guanare.

Latitude and Longitude of Guanare

Latitude of Guanare 9.037128
Longitude of Guanare -69.728693
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GPS-coordinates of Guanare

GPS-coordinates of Guanare 9° 2' 13.661" N 69° 43' 43.295" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Guanare

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Guanare Zone 19P E: 419912.56 N: 999036.95

Locations near Guanare

Ospino (41.46 km)Arvelo Torrealba (45.16 km)Esteller (61.78 km)Boconó (62.07 km)Obispos (62.86 km)Guanarito (68.23 km)Portuguesa (69.67 km)Barinas (72.41 km)Araure (81.18 km)Acarigua-Araure (82.95 km)