Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Encinillas

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Encinillas.

Latitude and Longitude of Encinillas

Latitude of Encinillas 41.0178319
Longitude of Encinillas -4.1580948
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GPS-coordinates of Encinillas

GPS-coordinates of Encinillas 41° 1' 4.195" N 4° 9' 29.141" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Encinillas

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Encinillas Zone 30T E: 402627.78 N: 4541382.46

Locations near Encinillas

Roda de Eresma (2.23 km)Valseca (2.38 km)Bernuy de Porreros (3.89 km)Hontanares de Eresma (5.46 km)Cantimpalos (6.27 km)Cabañas de Polendos (6.77 km)Lastrilla (La) (7.05 km)Espirdo (7.42 km)Escobar de Polendos (8.39 km)Brieva (8.96 km)Yanguas de Eresma (9.08 km)Segovia (9.31 km)Valverde del Majano (9.45 km)Adrada de Pirón (9.75 km)Garcillán (10.04 km)Escarabajosa de Cabezas (10.12 km)San Cristóbal de Segovia (10.13 km)Tabanera la Luenga (11.12 km)Basardilla (11.18 km)Torrecaballeros (11.71 km)Añe (11.75 km)Trescasas (11.95 km)Martín Miguel (12.14 km)Palazuelos de Eresma (12.7 km)Torreiglesias (14.13 km)Santo Domingo de Pirón (14.34 km)Mozoncillo (14.54 km)Abades (14.66 km)Carbonero el Mayor (14.66 km)Juarros de Riomoros (14.94 km)