Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Chitina

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Chitina.

Latitude and Longitude of Chitina

Latitude of Chitina 61.5158333
Longitude of Chitina -144.4369443
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GPS-coordinates of Chitina

GPS-coordinates of Chitina 61° 30' 57" N 144° 26' 12.999" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Chitina

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Chitina Zone 6V E: 636346.59 N: 6822926.55

Locations near Chitina

Billy Lake (29.91 km)Pippin Lake (44.34 km)Copper Center (66.92 km)Alaska copper Center (66.92 km)Threemile Lake (81.61 km)Louise Lake (83.79 km)Glennallen (88.48 km)St. Anne Lake (93.96 km)Gakona (98.48 km)