Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Carlos Tejedor

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Carlos Tejedor.

Latitude and Longitude of Carlos Tejedor

Latitude of Carlos Tejedor -35.391643
Longitude of Carlos Tejedor -62.4199024
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GPS-coordinates of Carlos Tejedor

GPS-coordinates of Carlos Tejedor 35° 23' 29.915" S 62° 25' 11.649" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Carlos Tejedor

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Carlos Tejedor Zone 20H E: 552681.71 N: 6083369.35

Locations near Carlos Tejedor

Florentino Ameghino (60.88 km)Godoy (66.23 km)Pehuajó (66.29 km)General Villegas (67.21 km)Daza (69.51 km)Trenque Lauquen (70.59 km)General Pinto (84.74 km)Carlos Casares (98.88 km)