Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Borsele

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Borsele.

Latitude and Longitude of Borsele

Latitude of Borsele 51.4320153
Longitude of Borsele 3.8158822
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GPS-coordinates of Borsele

GPS-coordinates of Borsele 51° 25' 55.255" N 3° 48' 57.176" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Borsele

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Borsele Zone 31U E: 556716.41 N: 5698184.15

Locations near Borsele

Ovezande (0.47 km)Driewegen (1.77 km)Doolman (2.34 km)Oudelande (3.46 km)Nisse (3.63 km)’s-Heerenhoek (3.96 km)Heinkenszand (4.58 km)Ellewoutsdijk (4.76 km)Zwake (4.84 km)De Brilletjes (5.34 km)Baarland (5.34 km)Sinoutskerke (5.68 km)Borssele (5.75 km)Baarsdorp (5.9 km)’s-Heer Abtskerke (6.29 km)’s-Heer Arendskerke (6.65 km)Nieuwdorp (6.76 km)Hoedekenskerke (6.79 km)’s-Gravenpolder (6.84 km)Seeland nl (7.28 km)Zeeland (7.28 km)Zuid-Beveland (7.64 km)’s-Heer Hendrikskinderen (8.43 km)Sloekreek (8.6 km)Visgat (9.39 km)Goes (9.62 km)Oudhof (9.75 km)Kloetinge (9.96 km)Eversdijk (10.21 km)Goes, Indira gandhilaan 35 (10.4 km)