Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7.

Latitude and Longitude of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7

Latitude of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7 51.086237
Longitude of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7 16.767274
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GPS-coordinates of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7

GPS-coordinates of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7 51° 5' 10.453" N 16° 46' 2.186" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7 Zone 33U E: 623774.77 N: 5660900.35

Locations near bogdaszowice, zrodlana 7

Katy Wroclawskie (6.15 km)szarskiego 3, wroclaw (12.52 km)Milin (13.1 km)Kambruk (14.41 km)?54/105 (14.61 km)Mietków (14.88 km)Sroda Slaska (14.96 km)sroda sląska -poznan (14.96 km)ul.Dokerska 50/1a Breslau (14.98 km)Bielany Wrocławskie (15.03 km)Domaslaw (15.66 km)breslau, polen (16.55 km)Jezioro Mietkowskie (17.36 km)Kobierzyce (17.44 km)Punkt krk (18.25 km)3m service wroclaw (18.51 km)poland wrocław pomorska 55 (18.84 km)Breslau (19.1 km)Wrocław (19.1 km)Wrotclaw (19.1 km)Mile (20.24 km)Sobótka (20.79 km)Brzeg Dolny (21.15 km)Ślęża (24.99 km)Żarów (25.01 km)królowej marysieńki 13, wrocław (26.5 km)Ruji (26.61 km)Malawona (26.72 km)Wołów (29.12 km)Wolowada (29.12 km)