Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Banzu

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Banzu.

Latitude and Longitude of Banzu

Latitude of Banzu -8.050000
Longitude of Banzu 15.500000
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GPS-coordinates of Banzu

GPS-coordinates of Banzu 8° 3' 0" S 15° 30' 0" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Banzu

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Banzu Zone 33L E: 555093.54 N: 9110140.9

Locations near Banzu

Camabatela (20.6 km)Negage (40.67 km)Alto Cauale (44.18 km)Bangalo (47.12 km)Quitexe (50.22 km)Bolongongo (53.31 km)Quiculungo (55.97 km)Uíge (Uije (68.75 km)Uíge (69.15 km)Mucaba (98.77 km)