Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Argusville

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Argusville.

Latitude and Longitude of Argusville

Latitude of Argusville 47.0521927
Longitude of Argusville -96.9345275
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GPS-coordinates of Argusville

GPS-coordinates of Argusville 47° 3' 7.894" N 96° 56' 4.299" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Argusville

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Argusville Zone 14T E: 656873.37 N: 5213034.28

Locations near Argusville

Lisburg (2 km)Gunkeru (16.79 km)Perley (17.26 km)West Fargo (19.67 km)West Bargo (19.67 km)Fargo (22.35 km)Fargo (ND) (22.35 km)punds (22.45 km)N 51.75' 340" O 07.21'771" (23.43 km)Amber Valley (23.5 km)Moorhead (23.54 km)Hendrum (25.38 km)10°O/54°N (26.24 km)Casselton (26.93 km)45°5N8°45°0 (30.36 km)Horace (32.71 km)Glyndon (33.28 km)Halstad (34.25 km)Borup (35.41 km)Absaraka (35.92 km)Sabin (37.33 km)Kindred (45.33 km)Shelly (46.04 km)Ulen (51.27 km)Hitterdal (51.88 km)Nielsville (53.66 km)Christine (54.19 km)Lee Lake (55.87 km)Twin Valley (56.09 km)Flom (62.14 km)