Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Agra

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Agra.

Latitude and Longitude of Agra

Latitude of Agra 27.1766701
Longitude of Agra 78.0080745
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GPS-coordinates of Agra

GPS-coordinates of Agra 27° 10' 36.012" N 78° 0' 29.068" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Agra

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Agra Zone 44R E: 203541.78 N: 3009540.73

Locations near Agra

Taj Mahal (3.38 km)estadio bernabeu (3.38 km)-13.163024, -72.544924 (3.42 km)Dharmapuri, Forest Colony, Tajganj, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001, India (3.69 km)Bandei (12.69 km)Chaoli (18.47 km)Draiba (19.93 km)Kpuopa (28.69 km)Firozabad (38.41 km)Kurkiyan (39.5 km)Pora (41.98 km)Babahan (44.84 km)Saras (46.8 km)Hathras (47.93 km)Maunura (48.22 km)Matahura (48.22 km)Matura (48.22 km)Mathura (48.22 km)Bharatpur (51.5 km)Bandor (55.41 km)Suraywah (58.58 km)Jatipura (65.17 km)Baiyan (65.95 km)Sadha (68.62 km)Kayara (73.98 km)premy nursing home old housing board colony morena (75.95 km)Morena (76.02 km)Bayana bharatpur rajasthan (76.44 km)Etah (77.37 km)Npatuam (78.65 km)