Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565.

Latitude and Longitude of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565

Latitude of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565 -28.984863
Longitude of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565 -49.644352
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GPS-coordinates of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565

GPS-coordinates of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565 28° 59' 5.507" S 49° 38' 39.667" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565 Zone 22J E: 632065.84 N: 6792934.25

Locations near -28.98506596026062, -49.644660077129565

RUA CABO ALIRIO DANDOLINE 453 (14.06 km)Rua Presidente Nereu Ramos, s/n, Cidade Alta, Araranguá/SC, CEP: 88901-056 (14.97 km)Torres (39.64 km)Criciúma (43.62 km)Guata (70.91 km)jaguaruna (75.79 km)Rua João Feldmann, n 92, Orleans, Santa Catarina (77.66 km)Rua Ana Nicoletti Machado Bairro Garopaba do Sul Jaguaruna (82.7 km)Tubarão (83.71 km)Avenida Caramuru, 703 Capão da Canoa RS (93.3 km)RUA INACIO ALVES DA SILVA, N 412 BAIRRO SANTA LUZIA CAPÃO DA CANOA (93.64 km)