Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of -28.021921, -50.597827

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of -28.021921, -50.597827.

Latitude and Longitude of -28.021921, -50.597827

Latitude of -28.021921, -50.597827 -28.015734
Longitude of -28.021921, -50.597827 -50.608177
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GPS-coordinates of -28.021921, -50.597827

GPS-coordinates of -28.021921, -50.597827 28° 0' 56.642" S 50° 36' 29.437" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -28.021921, -50.597827

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -28.021921, -50.597827 Zone 22J E: 538519.6 N: 6900992.82

Locations near -28.021921, -50.597827

Lages (35.55 km)Vacaria (63.15 km)Curitibanos (80.77 km)Lagoa Vermelha (92.54 km)Santa Catalina (94.19 km)Santa Catarina (94.19 km)