Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Torredembarra

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Torredembarra.

Latitude and Longitude of Torredembarra

Latitude of Torredembarra 41.1440967
Longitude of Torredembarra 1.4009454
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GPS-coordinates of Torredembarra

GPS-coordinates of Torredembarra 41° 8' 38.748" N 1° 24' 3.403" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Torredembarra

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Torredembarra Zone 31T E: 365808 N: 4555985.6

Locations near Torredembarra

Altafulla (1.98 km)Creixell (3.78 km)Pobla de Montornès (La) (3.89 km)Nou de Gaià (La) (4.87 km)Roda de Barà (6.9 km)Catllar (El) (7.13 km)Vespella de Gaià (7.44 km)Bonastre (9.16 km)Pallaresos (Els) (11.47 km)Renau (11.76 km)Secuita (La) (12.03 km)Vilabella (12.94 km)41.11563, 1.24966 (13.07 km)Perafort (13.19 km)Taragona (13.23 km)Albinyana (13.3 km)Tarragone (13.4 km)Tarragona (13.4 km)Montferri (13.84 km)Vendrell (El) (13.98 km)Masllorenç (14.1 km)Nulles (14.57 km)Garidells (Els) (14.65 km)Bràfim (14.81 km)Calafell (14.92 km)Rodonyà (15.18 km) 41.227125 1.548922 (15.44 km)Constantí (15.81 km)Pobla de Mafumet (La) (16.62 km)Bisbal del Penedès (La) (16.75 km)