Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Tomoporo

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Tomoporo.

Latitude and Longitude of Tomoporo

Latitude of Tomoporo 9.626410
Longitude of Tomoporo -71.051346
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GPS-coordinates of Tomoporo

GPS-coordinates of Tomoporo 9° 37' 35.076" N 71° 3' 4.846" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Tomoporo

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Tomoporo Zone 19P E: 274883.93 N: 1064781.63

Locations near Tomoporo

Baralt (24.26 km)Betijoque (44.39 km)Escuque (54.77 km)Carvajal (59.25 km)89HX+RQJ, Valera 3101, Trujillo (59.46 km)Valera (59.87 km)Piar (70.62 km)Ciudad Ojeda (72.05 km)Justo Briceño (74.53 km)Cabimas (96.45 km)Boconó (97.25 km)