Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Sergipe

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Sergipe.

Latitude and Longitude of Sergipe

Latitude of Sergipe -10.574093
Longitude of Sergipe -37.385658
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GPS-coordinates of Sergipe

GPS-coordinates of Sergipe 10° 34' 26.735" S 37° 23' 8.369" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Sergipe

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Sergipe Zone 24L E: 676627.2 N: 8830655.94

Locations near Sergipe

Ribeirópolis (7.1 km)oiteirinhos iTabaiana sergipe (13.44 km)Frei Paulo (15.79 km)Macambira (19.67 km)Campo do Brito (22.77 km)Nossa Senhora das Dores (22.89 km)Capela (A) (37.06 km)auto posto barreto (39.82 km)Nossa Senhora da Glória (40.06 km)Nossa Senhora do Socorro (41.99 km)Carira (42.27 km)-10.846143 -37.092098 (44.19 km)Umm Zumam (48.66 km)Lagarto (48.89 km)Simão Dias (49.85 km)RUA MARIANO SALMERON (50.83 km)Salgado (51.68 km)av desembarcador maynard, 1049 sala 05, aracaju sergipe (51.79 km)AVENIDA PEDRO CALAZAn (51.96 km)Aquidabã (52.2 km)condominio absolutto (53.33 km)Aracaju (53.75 km)RUA E LOT ANTONIO PEDRO BAIRRO CENTRO BARRA DOS COQUEIROS (54.01 km)rodovia se 100, motel love new (54.47 km)Itabi (58.56 km)Monte Alegre de Sergipe (63.94 km)Cedro de São João (65.24 km)Canhoba (65.77 km)Riachão do Dantas (67.16 km)Ozuaku (68.99 km)