Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Kobolia

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Kobolia.

Latitude and Longitude of Kobolia

Latitude of Kobolia 6.956878
Longitude of Kobolia -11.257239
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GPS-coordinates of Kobolia

GPS-coordinates of Kobolia 6° 57' 24.761" N 11° 15' 26.06" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Kobolia

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Kobolia Zone 29N E: 250599.77 N: 769577.15

Locations near Kobolia

Leuuma (3.26 km)Kpambija (4.35 km)Baweima (5.73 km)Kohnma Number 1 (7.06 km)Bheko (7.41 km)Gohn (7.67 km)Gbesseh (8.49 km)Zozowoa Number 2 (8.75 km)Zozowoa (2) (8.75 km)Zozowoa (8.75 km)Poedjan (9.85 km)Bakiemei (11.28 km)Dijah (13.41 km)Joija (15.79 km)Liberian Jenne (16.44 km)Zuani Number 2 (17.06 km)Magima (17.89 km)Jawajei Mavov (18.32 km)Javajai (18.93 km)Kunduma (19.36 km)Zoi (19.57 km)Damballa (20.3 km)Hegbema (22.57 km)Grand Cape Mount (22.85 km)Grand Cape County (22.85 km)Cape Mount County (22.85 km)Weilor, GRand Cape Mount (22.85 km)Gbama (25.59 km)Robertsport (25.99 km)Fasi Kohnma (26.48 km)