Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Kebunkelapa

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Kebunkelapa.

Latitude and Longitude of Kebunkelapa

Latitude of Kebunkelapa 3.878825
Longitude of Kebunkelapa 98.478759
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GPS-coordinates of Kebunkelapa

GPS-coordinates of Kebunkelapa 3° 52' 43.77" N 98° 28' 43.532" E

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Kebunkelapa

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Kebunkelapa Zone 47N E: 442130.1 N: 428751.08

Locations near Kebunkelapa

Tanjungpuro (6.79 km)Tanjungpura (6.79 km)Sukadamai (9.74 km)Jam-Gemi (18.13 km)Langkat (18.92 km)Babalan (23.23 km)Belawang (26.12 km)Binjai (29.62 km)Kota Binjai (29.62 km)Basaba (33.02 km)Bengkel Utara (33.84 km)Beringinjaya (34.51 km)Dewi (35.08 km)Labuhanjambu (35.27 km)Ring road city walk medan (37.44 km)Rantang (37.45 km)Jl. Putri Hijau No.173, Lk. I, Pulo Brayan Kota, Kec. Medan Barat, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20116, Indonesia (37.47 km)Medani (38.16 km)Medan (38.16 km)Glugur (38.32 km)depo bangunan medan (38.43 km)Mulyo (38.52 km)Jenggolo Barat (39.13 km)jalan barus medan kota (39.89 km)Ares Tengah (41.12 km)Glugur Tengah (41.33 km)Sukadharma (44.13 km)Rawa Satu (46.39 km)Bandrek (50.69 km)Bukit Lawang (51.67 km)