Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Crato

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Crato.

Latitude and Longitude of Crato

Latitude of Crato -7.229957
Longitude of Crato -39.412298
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GPS-coordinates of Crato

GPS-coordinates of Crato 7° 13' 47.845" S 39° 24' 44.273" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Crato

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Crato Zone 24M E: 454483.54 N: 9200809.45

Locations near Crato

AVENIDA PADRE CICERO ,1197,SAO MIGUEL,CRATO CEARA (1.64 km)Juazeiro do Norte (11.02 km)Barbalha (14.33 km)hospital são vincente de paula, barbalha ceará (15.15 km)Caririaçu (25.18 km)Missão Velha (30.1 km)Santana do Cariri (36.22 km)Farias Brito (38.18 km)Porteiras (47 km)Brejo Santo (54.96 km)Assaré (64.59 km)Jati (67.4 km)Lavras da Mangabeira (72.83 km)Cariús (78.94 km)Araripe (79.91 km)Jucás (80.32 km)Sítio Itans, Iguatu - Ce (93.98 km)Saboeiro (94.34 km)Iguatu (97.72 km)