Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Apegya

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Apegya.

Latitude and Longitude of Apegya

Latitude of Apegya 53.541632
Longitude of Apegya -113.492586
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GPS-coordinates of Apegya

GPS-coordinates of Apegya 53° 32' 29.875" N 113° 29' 33.31" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Apegya

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Apegya Zone 12U E: 334837.81 N: 5935415.64

Locations near Apegya

Edmonton, alberta, Canada (0.33 km)Edmonton Canada (0.33 km)Edmonton (0.33 km)edmondon (0.51 km)53.567, -113.517 (3.27 km)Wangdain (3.62 km)53.604961, -113.417798 (8.62 km)4516 22 Ave NW Edmonton Alberta Canada (11.06 km)Twin Brooks (11.42 km)Sherwood Park (13.01 km) NW Edmonton AB T5S2C4 103 Ave 21530 (13.2 km)Madoa Mission Station (13.94 km)Kirkland Bay (16.7 km)Royal Gardens Estates (21.68 km)calmar,canada (37.11 km)53.796775, -113.091204 (38.74 km)Mearns (42.19 km)Thorsby (50.87 km)Redwater (52.02 km)Lamont (52.92 km)Majiatan (53.6 km)Wetaskiwin, AB (64.27 km)wostok (76.04 km)Barrhead (88 km)Wiltingdon (96.01 km)Ponoka Alberta (96.48 km)