Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of Adamantina

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of Adamantina.

Latitude and Longitude of Adamantina

Latitude of Adamantina -21.682483
Longitude of Adamantina -51.074171
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GPS-coordinates of Adamantina

GPS-coordinates of Adamantina 21° 40' 56.939" S 51° 4' 27.016" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Adamantina

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of Adamantina Zone 22K E: 492327.08 N: 7602315.21

Locations near Adamantina

Alfredo Marcondes (46.27 km)Presidente Prudente (58.85 km)Álvares Machado (60.35 km)rua mariana de matos 250 presidente prudente (60.73 km)Clementina (66.14 km)-22.258490 -50.730535 (73.19 km)Araçatuba (83.5 km)Birigui (87.22 km)cetesb companhia ambiental do estado de sao paulo (87.25 km)RUA WALTER LUIZ CASTELETTO, 542 - araçatuba, sp (87.55 km)Panórama (88.81 km)Via Marginal Jiro Morimoto, Vila Messias, Andradina - SP (91.39 km)