Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of -22.729161, -47.312486

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of -22.729161, -47.312486.

Latitude and Longitude of -22.729161, -47.312486

Latitude of -22.729161, -47.312486 -22.729228
Longitude of -22.729161, -47.312486 -47.312545
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GPS-coordinates of -22.729161, -47.312486

GPS-coordinates of -22.729161, -47.312486 22° 43' 45.221" S 47° 18' 45.162" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -22.729161, -47.312486

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -22.729161, -47.312486 Zone 23K E: 262491.24 N: 7484601.48

Locations near -22.729161, -47.312486

Americana (2.36 km)Fonte da tailia (4.54 km)RUa visconde de maua, 177 sumare (9.85 km)Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (10.89 km)Sumaré (10.96 km)rua isabela luna tavares, 998 (14.73 km)PAULINIA SP (15.81 km)-22.5986637 -47.3793331 (16.07 km)Hortolandia (17.07 km)antonio cororato, limeira (17.34 km)Merichi (19.93 km)Limeira (20.09 km)RUA MIGUEL GIMENEZ ALVES, 608, HORTOLANDIA SP (24.22 km)rua cerqueia cesar 43 jardim garcia (28.84 km)-22.9502, -47.1073 (32.33 km)Campinas (32.57 km)rua jose jacir moreti (32.92 km)AV DOUTOR JOSE BONIFACIO COUTINHO NOGUEIRA, 150, ANDAR 7 SALA 704/706/708/710, JARDIM MADALENA, CAMPINAS, SP (33.36 km)Piracicaba (34.43 km)santa gertrudes, Sp, brazil (37.94 km)RUA TREZE DE MAIO 1600 CAMPINAS (39.62 km)13334-170 (40.08 km)rua romário capossolil, 168, indaiatuba, são paulo (40.11 km)Indaiatuba (41.37 km)Araras (41.59 km)Valinhos (41.95 km)rua melvin jones 326 jardim nova indaia (43.3 km)Rio Claro (43.54 km)Rodovia São Paulo 332, KM 132 - CEP:13140-000 (43.95 km)-22.45667171746877, -46.971016456378926 (46.36 km)