Longitude, latitude, GPS coordinates of -16.561, -49.2063

Here you will find the GPS coordinates and the longitude and latitude of -16.561, -49.2063.

Latitude and Longitude of -16.561, -49.2063

Latitude of -16.561, -49.2063 -16.561366
Longitude of -16.561, -49.2063 -49.211556
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GPS-coordinates of -16.561, -49.2063

GPS-coordinates of -16.561, -49.2063 16° 33' 40.918" S 49° 12' 41.602" W

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -16.561, -49.2063

UTM coordinates (WGS84) of -16.561, -49.2063 Zone 22K E: 690831.18 N: 8168118.66

Locations near -16.561, -49.2063

Goiania (15.07 km)Av. Dep. Jamel Cecílio, 330 - s80 88 - St. Sul, Goiânia - GO, 74085-580 (15.79 km)-16.707772 -49.216063 (16.32 km)rua t-30 n 1081 residencial verona setor bueno (16.54 km)RUA T71 ,190 GOIANIA (17.55 km)rua s 04 q 15 lote5 setor bela vista (17.62 km)aparecida de goiania, vila brasilia (20.56 km)alameda D chacara são pedro (21.94 km)-16.734035 -49.3261667 (22.77 km)-16.6603887 -49.02423723 (22.79 km)RUA 02 VILA SÃO DOMINGOS GOIANIRA (23.29 km)ALAMEDA MEIA PONTE BRAZABRANTES – GO (24.05 km)Goiania, Bairro Buena Vista (27.16 km)Aparecida de Goiania (29.05 km)Trindade (31.67 km)rua vicente teodoro quadra 20, lt 04 Campo Limpo de Goiás GO (32.35 km)Anápolis (37.8 km)Qufala (38.38 km)parque de exposições agropecuarias de anapolis goias (42.52 km)Gupao (45.62 km)Guapo (45.62 km)Gunapo (45.62 km)Avenida WR, Quadra 07, Lote 04 - Palmeiras de Goiás (80.35 km)Goias (96.66 km)